Boss Fighters has stayed busy over the past few months, hosting regular play sessions, adding updates to the game including new weapons, holding a contest for player-designed Boss skins, and now, they have revealed their plans for the game economy!
Boss Fighters dropped some info about their planned game economy, which works on a three-tier system. A player may choose to participate in any, all or none of these tiers, depending on what they want to invest and what they hope to get out of the game.

Those players who just want to play and have fun are welcome to do so. Boss Fighters will always be free to play.
For those who want the web3 experience and the chance to play and earn, can do so through ‘Utility Digital Collectibles’. The base tier, Badges, allow players to earn BFT tokens when equipped. Players receive a bonus to their earnings if they also has other skins equipped. Badges are created through Showrunner Contracts, which are in turn created by Stadiums.
Badges will need to be periodically recharged, which is also done through the Showrunner Contract. Contracts also have their own individual perks, such as faster Badge recharge time or quicker crafting. Other Stadium perks include streamer-focused features (not sure what that means), discounts, and increased BFT rewards.
BFT tokens will be used for crafting, exclusive purchases, and other in-game activities.
These Utility Collectibles are expected to go on sale sometime in Q2 2024, though we have no further details on that yet.

Boss Fighters is free to play and available for download through Steam. They hold regular play sessions on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. Check their social media for the exact times.
What else is going on with Boss Fighters?
This is just the first of the reveals for Boss Fighters this month. They also plan to release an official whitepaper on March 21st. For those who like free stuff, you can join a giveaway on Open Loot for a “Corrosive Striker” weapon skin.
In addition, they’ve recently added new Boss weapons, new Fighter weapons, updated the graphics, improved the game feel, and more! We should also soon see the first player-created skin in game, as the winning creation from a recently completed contest has now been chosen!

What is Boss Fighters?
Boss Fighters is an asynchronous, arena combat game that pits a team of players against one other player as The Boss – a giant enemy that can smash apart buildings, shoot lasers, and even rip the giant hot dog off from the top of the restaurant and hurl it at the puny humans! The Fighter players have guns, rockets, grappling hooks, sticky bombs, and other weapon and gear options to assist in their fight battle the Boss.
Boss Fighters is free to play. And those who have no interest in blockchain or NFTs can still play and earn in-game rewards. Boss Fighters includes digital assets and NFTs, but they will be cosmetic only and not affect gameplay. The game runs in seasons. During each season, players gain experience as they play, opening up new gear, cosmetics, and upgrades. These rewards may be wiped between seasons, but players will have the option of spending game currency to mint certain items into an NFT. As the Boss players are the heart of the game, they will see increased rewards for participation in the game. This includes bonuses for playing on a regular basis.
With the connection to Open Loot, players don’t even need a web3 wallet to buy and sell digital collectibles for Boss Fighters. Character, Boss, and weapon skins are already available on the market. All skins are cosmetic only.
To learn more about Boss Fighters, visit their website, follow them on Twitter, and join their Discord.